Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Review

Is the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons worth playing?
22 April 2020

Interview with 

Chris Berrow & Leigh Milner


Animal Crossing being played on Nintendo Switch


Chris Berrow and Leigh Milner review the latest Animal Crossing game... 

Leigh - so this is quite a cartoony game where they say "escaped to a deserted island and creates your own paradise as you explore, create and customise".

Chris - You've seen Duplo, the characters look like that.

Leigh - It's a bit like Sims in a way.

Chris - Is there any point to it... that's what I'm struggling with.

Leigh - Well I've been speaking to a few people who play this. What it does well is it connects people. That's pretty good. 

Chris - Yeah, I think I'm going to give it an eight out of 10 even though it's not for me because I can see why everybody likes it. 

Leigh - I'm with you on that. You can buy it on Nintendo Switch for £50.


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