Cardiac Pathology: Heart: Autoimmune: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

A 1957 autopsy specimen from a 29 year old woman found to have pulmonary tuberculosis when she attended the antenatal clinic with her first pregnancy: a stillbirth followed in...
01 October 2011
Presented by Mary Sheppard


Libman-Sacks endocarditis in SLE


A 1957 autopsy specimen from a 29 year old woman found to have pulmonary tuberculosis when she attended the antenatal clinic with her first pregnancy: a stillbirth followed in July 1950. In February 1957, shortly after a second pregnancy was diagnosed, she developed breathlessness, fever with a blotchy skin rash and anaemia. After a subsequent stillbirth she became nephrotic dying in renal failure.


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