Hepatobiliary pathology: Liver: Micronodular cirrhosis

A 1981 autopsy specimen from a 72 year old lady first seen in 1979 when she had a mastectomy for breast carcinoma. At that time her liver function tests were markedly abnormal and...
01 March 2012
Presented by Alberto Quaglia


Micronodular cirrhosis


A 1981 autopsy specimen from a 72 year old lady first seen in 1979 when she had a mastectomy for breast carcinoma. At that time her liver function tests were markedly abnormal and she had a history of excessive alcohol intake. She was re-admitted in February 1981 with haematemesis and melaena. She was jaundiced, with grossly abnormal liver function tests. She died despite treatment. At post mortem positive findings were the cirrhotic liver, together with the results of the secondary portal hypertension, splenomegaly and oesophageal varices.


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